Some insects mostly use their legs to push off and fly. Scientists found that mosquitos mostly use their wing power to push off. This means humans can’t feel them.
Can fish also get depressed? Scientists said that you can put a fish in a new tank, wait five minutes and know the answer. If the fish hangs around in the bottom half, it means that it is depressed. If it swims around in the top half, then it is not. Scientists say fish get depressed if there are not many new or interesting things in their environment.
Listening to podcasts in English is another great way to practice. You could find one for learning English or just listen to a podcast about something you like.
Change your smartphone language setting to English. This can help you當日撥款 practice reading and writing every time you pick up your phone. If you like to play video, computer or phone games, choose some that are in English.
In Chinese, you can say ‘write homework.’ In English, we always use ‘do’ when we talk about work. Be sure to tell the teacher that you did your homework.
In English, we use things, like a pencil or a ruler. You cannot use a person. If someone has bothered you in some way, you need to say exactly how with the correct verb. For example, they pushed me.
Shrugging your shoulders shows that you need help or don’t understand something. Then you can just say the English words you do know.
Maybe you’re looking for an object, a basketball for example. Use your hands to show the size and shape. Then act out what you will do with it, like dribbling and throwing.
The words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are easy to learn, but you don’t always need to say those words. For ‘no,’ you can shake your head. For ‘yes,’ nod your head.
If you want to go to the best universities, you need to understand English just to get in. Want to be your own boss someday? English is the language of global business.
People in Taiwan have talked about making English an official
language. Singapore has already done this. Is this a good idea for Taiwan? It could help a lot if everyone was speaking more English instead of just the foreigners you meet. It would also make Taiwan more attractive to English speaking tourists and business people.